
Monday, August 22, 2011

Back then

The memories I have overflow my head
My heart my mind as I drive through the place
I temporarily called home
It's crazy how much a place can change you
Mold you into the person you wish you would become
Into the person you never thought you'd be
The clouds overhead remind me of days that run together and collect as one
We were not a fit. Not a boxed set. Not a party of two.
You've moved away.
You've moved on.
I moved away.
I've moved on.
But I haven't forgotten.

It was meant to be this way, I believe.
If we weren't given the pieces to succeed we were given a lesson.
Whether we choose to decipher its meaning is up to us.
I know, I know time will make this all but a distant memory,
A mere speck of time that once housed you and me.
Lessons go unattached, undiscovered.
It's time to wake up and realize who you are.
And who you were back then.

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