
Wednesday, December 23, 2009


i think when trying to find an inspirational song to write to, I lost some of what I was going to say. Anyways, here it is...

I realized today it doesn't matter who others think you are.
It only really matters who you think you are.

We can go around living as who we think we want to be, or think we should be or live like you wish you were. Or, you can just be. Just live.

I also realized if he doesn't call, he doesn't want to hang out with you.
ALSO, it's not my business to know what you think of me. That's cool. If you think of me in a bad light, why would I want to know? If you think of me in high regards, you'll let me know if not by your words but your actions.
I don't need to go around living my life on the look out. NOPE. Now this idea has been in my head for quite some time....Not sure how it got there...but I want it to leave now. That's pretty pathetic, as it should just happen with no real "work" on my part. I know that.

I am different than people....I know that. What separates me from them is this idea...this hope, this dream of just knowing who's right for me. Maybe it's standards...I don't know...Call it what you want but I will always be this way. I'm this way since I was a little girl. I can't apologize for who I am.

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