
Sunday, October 17, 2021

seismic activity

frozen in time, i can't find the words to describe this feeling the in between--two worlds like two tectonic plates shifting caused by seismic activity but the seismic activity is truth separating me from you creating me versus them dividing into two instead of collecting bits and pieces, creating something new tattered and torn, between two worlds i choose me i choose happiness, truth, inner power inner peace blood runs deep but i go deeper

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

All these wants

I have so much ambition, all these wants things I actually want to do. I have the motivation to do them in my mind but i can't get my body to carry out these actions. It's like I'm stuck but I can move-it's just so hard to get myself motivated to do them-even though I want to. I really want to...I really do. This is my struggle. It seems so juvenile and almost an unreal reality for the normal person-but for me, this is my constant day to day and it's ridiculous to myself too. It's a inner fight I have with myself, and I feel pathetic because of it. I don't want to be this way. I don't. I can't help it.

I'm so fine

The sunsets, caressing the colors into the night The painting fades All turns to darkness The stars illuminate the night sky. The wind blows aggressively against my face, this is the only source of affection I can count on Nodding my head I say I'm okay, on the surface yes I am Where do the real feelings go? deep down, stuffed under the medications the coffee, the wine, the ice cream Look, I'm so fine.
Everything is fine. I am happiness, I am happiness.


shimmering lights, cold nights wearing yesterday's makeup this is fine open your eyes, this is life today, tomorrow and yesterday. do what's right, shut your eyes. dream big and change your life. go get em.


days, minutes, seconds, months days years Who are you? Who have you become? This little girl grew up Dreamt of the east coast life, from the balcony under the twinkling lights of the west coast night sky She woke up and her life was unfolding before her because of her All the sleepless nights, starry night walks wondering if she made the wrong choice summer evenings spent in abandoned hallways in the comfort of a microwaved burrito heat conference room carpet beneath her feet these were the times endured to get to this life today tropical leaves, frolicking bunnies, scurrying lizards crashing waves, clinking glasses boarding passes--this is what you created this life she created stand up for what you believe in--never stop dreaming

Friday, February 21, 2020

the girl learns a lesson

in between two worlds, the written word years of spoken language embedded through a culture the wind blows and the girl remains, the wind blows and something stays the same the wind blows and the girl forgets her name what is the same? where do you turn when there's no where to go how do you know your left from your right? a brush with a snake whisks her into a falling mind tunneling down deeper faster darker stronger turn on the light, breathe, remember who you are the girl missteps take you down a windy brick road covered in barbed wire and broken glass feelings of helplessness after the fact never look back move forward, let it go let it be your northern lights guiding you forever down similar paths you're protected. you are loved.